why invest in uci?

To make an informed decision about investing in Union Construction and Investment, it's important to understand how construction and real-estate development companies add value. Find out more about who we are and what we build.

Here are 10 reasons why purchasing UCI shares on the Palestine Exchange (PEX) is a great choice for a long-term investment.

  • UCI was established in 2005 by a group of distinguished Palestinian and Arab business leaders with decades of experience.
  • UCI’s share has been listed on the market of the Palestine Exchange since January 2007, roughly a year and a half after its establishment.
  • On the first trading session after being listed on the Palestine Exchange, UCI’s stock was traded at $1.24 per share.
  • Based on UCI’s audited financial statements, the book value of UCI’s share is $1.36 – significantly higher than the stock price of $0.46. This provides an exceptional investment opportunity for those interested in investing in the Palestinian stock market.
  • Cash dividends have been distributed over the past years with total distributed dividends amounting to 40.88% of the capital value – a strong indicator of the company’s ability to generate profits.
UCI total distributed dividends chart
  • In 2012, to an efficient management of its capital and after the approval from the General Assembly in accordance with the Board of Directors recommendation, UCI distributed 20% of UCI’s capital was returned to its shareholders.
  • The Palestine Exchange selected UCI to represent Al Quds Index in 2022 for the real estate and investment sector.
  • UCI’s total assets have increased more than 53% over the past ten years, from $41.2 million to $63.0 million.
  • UCI offers direct financing for all of its investment projects, in which it guarantees the rights of the company and its shareholders. Customers provide posted-dated monthly cheques for the financing term and ownership of the property is not transferred to the buyer’s name until all cheques are disbursed or paid in cash.
  • UCI’s track record in the Palestinian real estate market has been exemplary, developing successful projects with high profit margins and attractive returns, as seen with TABO and Masyoun Gardens projects.
UCI's total assets - Chart

Annual Reports


On January 21, 2007 UCI witnessed a major milestone as its shares were enlisted in the Palestine Securities Exchange where shares have been actively traded since then.

UCI has shareholders across the West Bank, Gaza and abroad. Our aim is to provide them with security and the best possible return on their investment. Thus, we must continuously enhance our efficiency by improving our product and marketing systems. Our goal is to assure our shareholders that their investment is in good hands and to ensure their continuous support is justified.

Stock exchange picture


Welcome to the Shareholders section of the Union Construction and Investment’s website. As an investor or potential investor in UCI, you should know that the Company’s objective is to continue to provide attractive returns to shareholders.

Approximately 20% of UCI's shares are held by 1,307 individuals – 8% of which are local, while 12% are foreign. In terms of ownership, the following names represent the largest shareholders, each owning 3,200,000 shares: Ahleia Insurance Group Co. LTD (Ramallah), General Mediterranean Holding (London), Ahlia Real Estate & Investment Co. (Ramallah), United Marketing & Services Co. (Ramallah), and Skyline Ltd Co. (Ramallah).

Largest Shareholders

Ahleia Insurance Group Co. LTD PSC 3,200,000 10%
General Mediterranean Holding (GMH) 3,200,000 10%
Ahlia Real Estate & Investment Co.(AQARIA) 3,200,000 10%
United Marketing & Services Co. 3,200,000 10%
Skyline Ltd Co. 3,200,000 10%
Ontario for Technological Development Co. 3,180,221 9.9%
Numair Karim Abdel Hasan El Akabi 2,178,524 6.8%
Nahed Kamel Al Kishawi 1,840,000 5.8%
Mohamed Mustafa Al Sabawi 1,039,821 3.3%
Nadmi Shaker Auchi 800,000 2.5%
Daoud Daoud Al-Qawasmi 550,000 1.7%
Khaled Mohamed Al Sabawi 240,982 0.8%

Bylaws and Articles of Association